Tuesday, October 26, 2010

- Boardshop Ladies Night -

THEME: 80's prom night!

WHOS INVITED: Ladies only!

TRANSPORTATION: A free bus running at 7pm-8pm to The Boardshop from Western Campus.
REASON: To get deals on product, free manicures, drinks, candy, dancing, celebrating the female snowboarders of London and the WSF

- prizes for every attendee!
- freebies all night!
- prizes for best costume!
- professional prom photos for facebook!

So the night is basically a celebration, prize give-away, pampering of the lovely female WSFers and girls who love to get out and ride! To have fun with the night, awards and prizes will be given away for those who hit up the thrift store and rock the best 80's style dresses they can find!!

In addition to the festivities, we are running “Panties for Prom” in support of Mission Services of London. This drive entitles all who donate new women’s panties to the drive to receive a ballot upon which awesome raffle prizes will be drawn.

As mentioned, a bus will be going from Alumni Hall to the shop, and then to the Taphouse for an after-party and Voleurz Video Premiere. For any girls who wish to take advantage of the sweet deals at this gathering but still want to go to the premiere afterwards, anything purchased can be left at the shop for pick-up within a couple of days!

To ensure we can best get prizes and stoke ready for this night, it would be greatly appreciated if an RSVP and email is provided from those ladies who wish to attend!

For additional information feel free to contact us on this website through email

or message me or any WSF Exec on Facebook,
and lastly you can call the shop at 519-673-3810!

Hope to see you all out, and keep in mind that this is not just a sale event, but also the bringing together and celebration of the female snowboard community of London!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen of the world we are very excited to introduce our brand new online store and website to you. We are very pleased with the new look, layout and functionality of this website. Please take your time to explore our website and check out all of our new sections and products. Products will be constantly added Monday-Friday and inventory will be live (If you see it online then we will have it in our store). We have only started adding products in the last 2 weeks as a lot of maintenance had to take place on this website and our old one to co ordinate all of the products and functions.

So in case you couldn't tell by going through the website I will list what is new about this one and why it is so awesome!

-Newsletters will be sent out once or twice a week with new products and promotions.

-Promotional codes have been phased into our site to offer our preferred customers and people in our database great deals on orders that are placed.

-Our Contact section will be now shown with a live map to our store so if you are looking for our location you can find us with directions from your house.

-Our news feed is more visible on our home page and it offers us the ability to add thumbnails, large images and videos in our posts to get our online and local community involved.

-Featured products are easier to read and find on the home page.

-We have a huge push in social net working happening right now, you can find all of our networks at the bottom of our site on any page.

-Our top banner can be changed to show any promotions we may have going at the time with links to a designated page or website.

-We have now added a brands section to our website that will display certain products by clicking on that specified brand to make the shopping process easier.

We would also appreciate any feedback on any of the products you have purchased or are planning on purchasing, feel free to send us an email or give us a call with any questions you may have as well.

We are looking forward to this great snow season ahead of us!!



Monday, October 4, 2010

We gave our jeans a chance!

Just got the results back from Mission Services of London and we managed to bring in a total of 136 jeans for them! Remember this was also a contest to win a years supply of jeans so stay posted for that, we will be anouncing/calling the winner as soon as we know. We love taking part in events like this as it helps our community. Below are some pictures that we managed to snap pertaining to this event:

We got so many pairs it was scary..

The outcome from all of your donations!

Special thanks to:




Friday, October 1, 2010

Boardshop is bringing the snow!

We have been seeing unreal amounts of snow product over the last week and our store is finally beginning to look full once again.
We have recieved snowboards from:
In both girls and guys models.

- Snowboard Section -

Bindings from:

- Binding Section -

Boots from

-Boot Section -

Outerwear from:
-Foursquare/Special Blend

- Ladies Jackets -

-Mens Jackets-

Goggles from:

-Dragon coming soon

Clothing from:


We are a little behind on the date of the new online store, it should be up and live by October 14th at the latest, although product wise you will not see to much going on as we are still working hard at getting everything live. Because of the late release of the website we have only started adding products in the last couple of weeks we are also slaving away to get ready for the upcoming Ski and Snowboard show in Toronto. If you have been before we hope you come back and for those of you who haven't or have no idea what it is I will explain below:

The show runs from October 14th-17th at the Toronto Convention Center in the better living building. Entry costs $17.00 but the amount of money you save while at the show is well worth the entry fee.

We are going to be running a very fun theme this year that we can't share with you guys just yet, but come visit out booth and see what we are doing. Who knows, maybe we have that snowboard set up you were dying to have at an amazing price!

For more information regarding this event please visit the website or give us a call in shop. I will post a link to the ski and snowboard show below:

Cheers and we hope to see you out at the show!
