WHOS INVITED: Ladies only!
TRANSPORTATION: A free bus running at 7pm-8pm to The Boardshop from Western Campus.
- prizes for every attendee!
- freebies all night!
- prizes for best costume!
- professional prom photos for facebook!
So the night is basically a celebration, prize give-away, pampering of the lovely female WSFers and girls who love to get out and ride! To have fun with the night, awards and prizes will be given away for those who hit up the thrift store and rock the best 80's style dresses they can find!!
In addition to the festivities, we are running “Panties for Prom” in support of Mission Services of London. This drive entitles all who donate new women’s panties to the drive to receive a ballot upon which awesome raffle prizes will be drawn.
As mentioned, a bus will be going from Alumni Hall to the shop, and then to the Taphouse for an after-party and Voleurz Video Premiere. For any girls who wish to take advantage of the sweet deals at this gathering but still want to go to the premiere afterwards, anything purchased can be left at the shop for pick-up within a couple of days!
To ensure we can best get prizes and stoke ready for this night, it would be greatly appreciated if an RSVP and email is provided from those ladies who wish to attend!
For additional information feel free to contact us on this website through email
or message me or any WSF Exec on Facebook,
and lastly you can call the shop at 519-673-3810!
Hope to see you all out, and keep in mind that this is not just a sale event, but also the bringing together and celebration of the female snowboard community of London!