Monday, September 20, 2010

- New Graphic and shot of Joey -

Just shot a couple of photos this weekend: First photo is of one of our team riders (Joey Bondi) at the Barracks skatepark. Second shot is of a friend of mine (Aistis Cepinskas) showing our new Boardshop graphic.

Joey Bondi - Back Feeble - The Barracks

Aistis Cepinskas - New Bshop Graphic - Downtown London



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Boardshop Coke decks NOW HERE!

The Boardshop Coke decks just showed up this morning! We have full size runs in
I made this graphic about 3 months ago and after showing a good percentage of our skate team the general consensus was that everyone was stoked on them. So this means that you guys should have no problem being stoked on them as well!! Shout out to Dallas for the deck idea. I will post some artwork below:


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Outerwear in stock now!

The 2011 Snowline is starting to arrive day after day, we now have in stock jackets from:

-Special Blend -Foursquare -Burton -Analog

Lot's more stuff should be arriving in the coming weeks in terms of hardgoods/softgoods. Stay posted for more updates.



Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shooting with The Skate Team

Hey Guys,

Over the last few days I was out with a few guys on the skate team snapping photos. We went to a few spots and got some cool shots, I will post some of the photos below:

Brian Vandevelde - Switch Crooks

Brian Vandevelde - Hardflip

Brian Vandevelde - Fakie 5-0

Jessie Mcphee - Crook Revert

Justin Staats - Backside Tailslide

Justin Staats - Nosegrind

Justin Staats - 360 Flip

Justin Staats - Wallride

More photos coming in the next couple of days...

